Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 13-14 and Overall Course

For the last portion of the semester, I really enjoyed the different things we did outside of class and in class.

This week, we finished up our last week of our SMART goals. To remind you, mine was to spend at least 50% of my grocery bill on organic items. I finished strong by going over my goal by 3%. Even though this doesn't seem like a lot, it still felt pretty great especially since I felt like it came so naturally this time without much thought.
For the advocacy project, we wrote our letters to the representatives and made a fact sheet for our topic. This was very beneficial since I will likely have to/want to do this in the future about a topic I'm very passionate about changing.
We also went to Goodwill Industries to take a tour and learn about the company. It was awesome to see all of the hard work and effort the company puts out in all aspects from their employees to their products. They go above and beyond other non-profit organizations and they even help the environment in the process. It was really great and I learned a lot. I even found my item for the junking project.

It's our last week! I can't believe it's over already. We wrapped things up by showing off all of our junking projects. I made a lamp (shown in the pictures) for my bedroom back home that I am currently revamping for when I move back in this month. I got the lamp from Goodwill and only paid about $2.00 for it. I had to buy the lamp shade and jewels but that wasn't very expensive. I loved seeing everyone's projects. Everyone seemed to work really hard and it was great to see how some of the "junk" was turned into "treasure" so creatively without being wasted.

Before I fixed it up....Not too attractive

And after! The purple behind the lamp is the new color of my room. I think it goes pretty well.

We also finished our advocacy projects by creating an online learning activity for our group members to participate in and report on. I learned a lot from everyone's activities. I became astonishingly aware of how man harmful problems there are currently that need to be fixed. I learned a lot about the topics and they will definitely be something I will keep in mind for the future to make my own changes.

I think this was hands down my favorite course I took during my undergrad (and trust me, human anatomy is a tough one to beat out of first place). I felt like I took so much from this course that I will apply to my every day living. I've learned out to think about where a product comes from, how it was made, what it is made with, and how to determine if something is safe. I've also learned how to live more simply and to teach others to do so as well. The other day, I literally walked into the gas station convinced I was thirsty, walked to the coolers, looked at all of the bottles, decided it wasn't worth my money, and walked away. Talk about a life-changing class. I feel like this class should be a lib ed. Even though we are health ed. majors, I think everyone could benefit from a class like this. I know I'll continue to advocate to my friends and family about helping the environment and I hope everyone else does too!


  1. I really thought your junk project is absolutely fantastic! I can not believe that you got the lamp at Goodwill for only $2.00! It is amazing how much you can save by recycling. I new lamp would cost a lot more than $2.00. Great job and I am glad that you learned during this course.

  2. OMG!! I totally agree with you that this should be a lib ed course. I think that would be a small step to the big picture to help out our environment. I have learned so much this semester! I really like your junking project too!

  3. I agree that everyone could benefit from this class. I liked how you should a before and after picture of your project. It is cool to see what it looked liked before you fixed it up.

  4. Wow, I didn't see the before image of your junk project -- you did a fabulous job! That is awesome, it looks completely different. Now I want to make a lamp. I also agree that so many could benefit from this course. It is a great experience and has a lot to offer. Good for you that you didn't give in and buy a plastic bottle, thats strong will power :) It really seems that you learned a lot of valuable information and intend to continue this throughout your life, and I couldn't agree more.

  5. Wow, I thought your junking project was great when you showed it in class but after seeing what it was, you did an amazing job. Also, it is great that you plan on continuing to push environmental health to your friends and family.

  6. Hurray for no more baseball bat-looking lamp, haha! Your project honestly looks like something you purchased from a store! I would have to agree with you that this course should be involved in one of the lib ed categories. I feel this course would really give people great perspective as to how they think and act and would possibly help them decide what kind of a profession they should pursue in college. Also, way to go at informing your family about what we have learned in class!
