Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Read n' Seed 1: Hormone Deception: How Everyday Foods and Products Are Disrupting Your Homones--and How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

The book I have chosen is "Hormone Deception: How Everyday Foods and Products Are Disrupting Your Hormones--and How to Protect Yourself and Your Family" by Lindsey Berkson.

This book discusses how the use many of our products from food to plastic products may be affecting our bodies and the hormones within. She explains how certain diseases that have been on the rise, becoming an epidemic, are quite possibly the result of the consumption of harmful chemicals and chemically-altered products.

I chose this book because I have always been interested in the physical health and science aspects of the body. I have been involved in several aspects of cancer; therefore, by reading this book, I will likely get a better idea as to why some of these diseases have become so prevalent in the last decades.

Three sources about the book and author are as follows:

This book is 421 pages and chapters. Therefore, I will be splitting the book into 4 quarters by reporting on about 100 pages at a time depending on the cut-off of the chapters.


  1. Samantha, I like the fact that this means something to you and your involvement with cancer. I look forward to seeing how hormones in different products, especially food, affect us. What are we REALLY putting into our bodies? I think this will put a whole new meaning into the words "you are what you eat."

  2. Sam,
    This seems like a great book! It's fascinating and scary at the same time some of the effects these chemicals can have on our bodies. Looking forward to reading more about this from you!

  3. Sam,
    I think this book sounds really interesting read! I've heard bits and pieces of info about this topic and how hormones may be playing a part in our decining health but I've never really looked into it. I'm looking forward to learning more and hearing what you have to say.

  4. Sam,
    This book sounds very interesting and kind of similar to the book I will be reading. I find this stuff really interesting and it is truely an eye opener.

  5. I think this is a good book choice. It's crazy to think about all the hormones and chemicals that taint the food we eat everyday. I'm interested to hear more about this topic!
