Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 13-14 and Overall Course

For the last portion of the semester, I really enjoyed the different things we did outside of class and in class.

This week, we finished up our last week of our SMART goals. To remind you, mine was to spend at least 50% of my grocery bill on organic items. I finished strong by going over my goal by 3%. Even though this doesn't seem like a lot, it still felt pretty great especially since I felt like it came so naturally this time without much thought.
For the advocacy project, we wrote our letters to the representatives and made a fact sheet for our topic. This was very beneficial since I will likely have to/want to do this in the future about a topic I'm very passionate about changing.
We also went to Goodwill Industries to take a tour and learn about the company. It was awesome to see all of the hard work and effort the company puts out in all aspects from their employees to their products. They go above and beyond other non-profit organizations and they even help the environment in the process. It was really great and I learned a lot. I even found my item for the junking project.

It's our last week! I can't believe it's over already. We wrapped things up by showing off all of our junking projects. I made a lamp (shown in the pictures) for my bedroom back home that I am currently revamping for when I move back in this month. I got the lamp from Goodwill and only paid about $2.00 for it. I had to buy the lamp shade and jewels but that wasn't very expensive. I loved seeing everyone's projects. Everyone seemed to work really hard and it was great to see how some of the "junk" was turned into "treasure" so creatively without being wasted.

Before I fixed it up....Not too attractive

And after! The purple behind the lamp is the new color of my room. I think it goes pretty well.

We also finished our advocacy projects by creating an online learning activity for our group members to participate in and report on. I learned a lot from everyone's activities. I became astonishingly aware of how man harmful problems there are currently that need to be fixed. I learned a lot about the topics and they will definitely be something I will keep in mind for the future to make my own changes.

I think this was hands down my favorite course I took during my undergrad (and trust me, human anatomy is a tough one to beat out of first place). I felt like I took so much from this course that I will apply to my every day living. I've learned out to think about where a product comes from, how it was made, what it is made with, and how to determine if something is safe. I've also learned how to live more simply and to teach others to do so as well. The other day, I literally walked into the gas station convinced I was thirsty, walked to the coolers, looked at all of the bottles, decided it wasn't worth my money, and walked away. Talk about a life-changing class. I feel like this class should be a lib ed. Even though we are health ed. majors, I think everyone could benefit from a class like this. I know I'll continue to advocate to my friends and family about helping the environment and I hope everyone else does too!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Share and Voice: Eco-friendly Cell Phones

I don't know about you guys, but I have a bad habit of wanting to keep up with the technology. This means I go through my cell phones pretty quickly. I know this is the case for a lot of people our age. So, I decided to find out a way to "go green" with it. I Googled it of course and this is what I found.
  • GreenYour talks about different manufacturers of cell phones and how they are attempting to go green. The link talks about what you should look for in a phone to be the most eco-friendly.
  • CNET talks about some of the new products from major companies such as Samsung and Motorola that are coming out soon, if not already out.
These are just some links that I thought would be helpful. These phones may not be the smartphone that everyone loves but it might be something to look into, especially if any of you have a new phone on your Christmas lists!

Share and Voice: The Lived In Room

5855 Neal Ave N | Stillwater, MN 55082

I have recently been trying to revamp my room by painting and getting some new furniture. Of course, I've been looking online for used furniture and I came across this place in Stillwater, MN. It is called The Lived In Room. They have a bunch of furniture that is brought in by various people to be sold again. It is basically like the Goodwill of furniture which I think is kind of nice. They have a lot of pictures on the internet so if any of you are looking for a new junking project, I suggest checking this place out!

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

For this activity, we were asked to choose 3 places that we go on a regular basis in Duluth and map out the  route using the Internet.

For the first location, I chose work which is at Essentia Health. When I plugged this in, it gave me commute of 13 minutes if I walk to the bus stop  that is down the hill. This seems like it pretty reasonable. When I reversed the addresses as if I was coming back from work, however, I would have to wait 45 minutes for the bus until about 11:11pm and then ride the bus for about 20 minutes to get home and then still have to walk back up the hill which would probably take a good 10 minutes. So although it is convenient for me to ride the bus to work, it isn't convenient (or generally safe in that area) to ride the bus home at night.

The next location I chose was school. The fastest route for this was to get on the bus at the bus stop down the hill once again and ride the bus for approximately 20 minutes. I would have to leave about an hour before class to arrive to the school on time, however, but that wouldn't be that horrible. When I reversed the route again it posed a slight problem. It would about 23 minutes to get back to the bus stop and then I'd have to walk back up the hill to my house which would add another 10 minutes. If I didn't have to work after school, this would probably be ok, but I almost always have to work after class or intern before class so I would need to be somewhere right before or after and the bus would take too long.

For my final location, I chose to map out my internship that I go to on Thursday since that is the only place I have to be that day. My internship is at St. Luke's Cancer Center. The fastest route was to walk to the bus stop again and get on the bus around 7:13am and arrive at 7:35am.  This would be ok even though I'd have to get up an hour earlier to arrive on time. After my internship to come home, I would have to again get on the bus with the fastest route being 25 minutes. This would also be ok since I wouldn't have anywhere to be afterwards.

The only realistic route for me would be the one I could incorporate on Thursdays. I may actually give this a try since even one day can make a difference. Otherwise, I thought this was a really good activity. I always knew that taking the bus or walking would be pretty inconvenient due to my schedule but it was good to see that I was right and not just assuming so. It was kind of fun.

For this activity, we were expected to review a couple of websites and then use them to help complete a survey about smoking.

I looked up the information on the fact sheets about smoking and then took the survey. It was nice to have a little exam to go along with the fact sheets so I really had to look for the answers and read through all of the information. It was really interesting to see the information that is specific to Minnesota and to read that all of the advocacy for the change seems to be working.

Our task for this activity was to review 3 recalled items and also list 3 ways to prevent lead poisoning in the home. We also were expected to reflect on what we learned after completing the previous activities and watching a video.

The 3 Recalled Items:
  1. Boys and Girls Belts from Target: Recalled 6/17/2010; Available since December 2008
  2. Youth Hockey Gear: Recalled 4/1/2010; Available since February 2005 (!)
  3. Disney Tinkerbell Jewelry: Recalled 2/2/2010; Available since November 2008
3 Ways to Prevent Lead Poisoning in the Home:
  1. Clean up paint chips immediately.
  2. Wash hands often--especially before eating and sleeping.
  3. Clean or remove shoes before entering the home.
This was a very nice concise video about the topic...and it was really entertaining. I was really surprised by how many products are still made with lead these days! I couldn't believe it actually since the consequences are so widely known now. It makes me wish there were more strict standards. It seems as if they still get caught in the long run but I think there should be a way to prevent them from being sold in the first place.

After reviewing the information links she provided, we were then directed towards a matching/pairing game to complete.

After completing the game, I feel like I learned a lot about water infrastructure vocabulary. I never realized how many different terms and systems there are. There seems to be a lot that goes into water treatment. I agree that it is definitely important to keep the systems updated so that we continue to have safe water.

Sonny made up a neat game like Clue to review some of the typical toxins that pollute our air. We need to "interview" one suspect and then report. I was assigned Red Haze Harry...otherwise known as Nitrogen oxide
  1. Name of Suspect: Red Haze Harry/Nitrogen Oxide
  2. Cause of Pollutant: Most emissions are from the burning of goal, oil, and gas from factories and vehicles
  3. Crime: Nitrogen oxide can cause respiratory problems.
  4. Lock 'em Up: Drive less or carpool and keep vehicles tuned up! Factories should also obey by the standards.
  5. Case File: From this activity, I learned about all of the different pollutants in the air. I never realized there were so many!  It really makes me wonder what I am breathing in and what those pollutants will cause in the long run.
Other source used: Tennessee Valley Authority

For this activity, we were expected to review the fact sheets, watch a video, and calculator our emissions then report on our findings.
  1. Taking the emissions calculator, I found that I am better than average which was nice to see! I still produce tons though so I could definitely work on somethings. I might try to set up a carpool for traveling to school next semester when I move home. We'll see how that goes.
  2. I also learned about the different types of fuels a vehicle can run on. When I buy a car once I get a job, I'd really like to get one that is more environmentally friendly such as a hybrid or a flex fuel vehicle.
  3. I couldn't believe that OVER HALF of the toxic pollutants in Minnesota are from motor vehicle emissions! That is horrible! It can even cause a person that is EXERCISING and trying to be healthy have breathing problems.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Advocacy Project: Occupational Hazard Crossword

Occupational Hazard: Crossword Puzzle

The purpose of this activity is to make others aware of some of the dangers of lead poisoning in the workplace. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Association, lead poisoning is the leading cause of illness at the workplace. After being exposed to lead, it can stay in your body for a very long time and cause complications later in life. It can have many long-term and short-term effects when in the body. Since there are several forms of getting lead into the body and there are several environments in which this can happen, there needs to be more standards and precautions to prevent it.

Safety and Health Assessment & Research for Prevention
Lead Poisoning: Wikipedia
Center for Disease Control and Prevention

For my activity, I made a free crossword puzzle through the website Variety Games. I had to take a screenshot of it because the puzzle was only available for 24 hours (which is why it didn't work the first time)

As for instructions, read the questions and try to figure out the corresponding word in the puzzle like any other crossword puzzle. After doing the crossword, report some of the interesting information you come across about lead poisoning while you were searching for the answers. Also, include your thoughts as to whether you were suprised by some of the information or not.

Thanks and I hope you have fun giving this a try!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Review and Final Reflection

Sorry, no picture of the receipt this week. I accidentally threw it away...oops!
(Photo is the link to the source of the picture)

My SMART Goal: I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks.

This week, I am very happy to report that I met my goal at spending 54% of my grocery bill on organic products! This is the highest amount yet so I was pretty excited. Like I reported last week, buying organic is my main goal when shopping now and it actually feels abnormal to buy the typical products I used to. It has become very natural and I don't even have to strive to do so anymore.Also, the store I went to had a GREAT variety (Whole Foods Co-op) so it was easy to find a lot of items that I liked.
Like the other weeks, organic foods can be really expensive. This has made me think really hard about what I am buying and what I absolutely need to be eating. Sometimes, I must admit, it's really hard to walk away from candy aisle with nothing in hand.

I feel really good about myself now that I only buy organic products (some, I should say). I feel that if I keep this up, I will be able to have the same affect on my family and also when I create my own family. I feel like I'm feeding my body the right kind of nutrition it needs.

I learned that the longer you uphold your goal, the easier it'll become. It isn't easy at first and you may not always reach the goal but when you stick with it, you'll eventually do a lot better.

I will continue to uphold this goal even after the class has finished. It will be a challenge since I will be moving back in with my parents and eating organically isn't exactly of their main concern. Also, availability may be an issue but I intend on doing the best of my ability to keep it going.

My SMART Goal was "I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks."
This goal did not change throughout the process as it wasn't always easy to reach as it was but was still attainable if I tried.

What helped me be successful was that I knew I was doing the right thing for myself and the environment and it was a good incentive as I like to take care of my body (most of the time...). Some of the things that got in the way was the availability of the products I like and the cost of them. Not all stores had a great variety and when they did, the cost added up quite quickly. To solve this problem, I stuck with certain items that I decided I MUST buy organically so that seemed to help with my goal.

I benefited a lot from this project. It was kind of fun trying to challenge myself in a new way that was better for me and the environment. I became very aware of my feelings while I was shopping (happy when there was a sale; frustrated when things cost a lot; etc.). I also learned that behavior change can take a lot of effort but it is best to stick with it for a while as no change is easy to do at first.

I think when I move home I will try to get my family to make the same goal in buying organic. I will try to show them why it is much more beneficial to them and the environment. This has helped the environment by supporting organic farmers and not support the corporate ones with GMO products and horrible animal conditions.
I plan to continue this behavior to the best of my ability. It is important to keep my body healthy when I'm younger for the future and it is also important for the environment's health.

My recommendations for those considering a lifestyle change is to stick with it and keep trying even if you don't always meet your goal. It may not be easy at first but sooner or later it will become natural and you'll feel better about yourself in the end.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advocacy Project: Letter and Fact Sheet

Mary Hubler
House of Representatives
Room 119 North
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708-8952


The proposed bill for a National Workers’ Memorial Day will have a great positive impact in our community to honor those who have been compromised due to their work conditions. As a health educator pursuing a career in occupational health and safety as well as being a part of the work force, I find that this day would be a great way to spread the word about the importance of safety on the job as well as address current issues that need to be changed in the workplace.

One condition that needs to be addressed is the amount of workers affected by lead exposure in the United States. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), lead exposure is currently the leading cause of illnesses in the workplace. Although the state of Wisconsin has made great strides in reaching the Healthy People 2010 goal of having no adult blood levels above 25 microg/dL, there is still a major risk of overexposure as long as lead is used in the industry. As you may know, overexposure in lead can have some very traumatic results so it is important to protect those who must work around it.

Opponents of this bill may say that this will not effectively bring about awareness about the importance of workplace safety. This is wrong as it is not only the company’s responsibility to provide a safe work environment; it is also the employee’s personal responsibility to uphold to the standards of the company to protect themselves. By having a day to honor those who lost their lives when it could have been prevented, it would make others aware of the true cost of negligence at the workplace and may remind them to take all necessary precaution when needed.

You support in the prohibition of automotive oil filters in landfills is appreciated in keeping our planet a healthy place. In the same concern, I think it is important to keep safe those who are working hard every day on this planet, too. Therefore, voting “yes” to H.R. 375 would be the best option. If I can provide you with additional information or assistance please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or


Facts About Occupational Lead Exposure

How are adults exposed to lead?
• Majority of all of lead exposure are from the workplace
• Approximately 95% of the cases reported in a study conducted in the United States were from occupational hazards.

What are the symptoms of lead poisoning?
• Pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities
• Muscular weakness
• Headache
• Abdominal pain
• Memory loss
• Mood disorders
• Reduced sperm count, abnormal sperm
• Miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women
• Fatigue

What are the potential long-term effects of lead exposure?
• Anemia
• Cataracts
• Damage to reproductive organs in men
• Digestive problems
• High blood pressure
• Memory and concentration problems
• Muscle and joint pain
• Nerve disorders
• Pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, preterm delivery and stillbirth

How prevalent is it in the United States?
• In the year 2000, about 430,000 nonfatal occupational illnesses were reported annually in the United States
• For every 10,000 full-time workers in the United States, there are 50 reported cases occupational illnesses.

How can the risk be reduced?
• Proper techniques of removing/handling lead should be applied at all times.
• Awareness of the consequences of exposure.
• Stricter standards/more surveillance of the amount of allowed blood levels in the working adult.

For more information about
Occupational Lead Exposure
Please contact


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 9-12

This quarter, like the ones before, has opened my eyes to a lot of issues that are currently detrimental to our world.

This week, we started our Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change SMART goals. My goal was to spend at least 50% of my total bill on organic products at the grocery store.  We also started our advocacy project and looked up who the representatives are in our area. This was really interesting to see how many people are involved in legislature.

This week in class we watched a documentary called Unnatural Causes. This showcased the issue of social class and it's effects. This also taught us how to find the root of a problem which will benefit and the advocacy project. For my Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change, I was successful with reaching just above 50% which I was very happy with although it was no easy task.

The documentary "Story of Stuff" was shown which taught us about the actual cost of making productsIt was actually quite shocking and sad. We also did a junking activity in class which taught us how to think outside of the box. I'll use this concept for my junking project in the future to come up with something original. I fell a bit short of my SMART goal for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change but was still pleased with myself for trying. Failing isn't always a complete failure is what it taught me.

In class, we had a lot of fun reading a story together about junking/reusing items. Then, we came up with our own alternate ending which was pretty comical. We also went over the photo essays we posted to our blogs in class. For mine, I went through the good, the bad, and the ugly environmental aspects of my house. It really showed me what things I need to start changing within my own house before I tackle the rest of the world. It neat to see what everyone else found, too. For my 3rd week of trying out my SMART goal, I did better with spending about 50% of my grocery bill on organic products. I have found that this is becoming easier for me to do which shows me that I have really changed the way I think and look at products. I think I'll continue to buy organic products in the future as well.

These last 4 weeks has made me realize what a real difference I can make on my own through advocacy and my own personal goals. Right now, I'm more comfortable acting as an advocate through my family and friends as well as coaching myself to do better. In the future, however, I'd really like to fight for our planet and try to change somethings that really need it. For instance, my small town doesn't have very good means or incentives to recycle and this is something I would be interested in changing. I've really loved this class so far and I'm anxious to see what Dr. V has in store for us for the rest of the semester. I'm also excited to see everyone's junking projects!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

SMART Goal: I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks.

This week I met my goal by spending 51% of my bill on organic products. This was an improvement of about 10% from last week so I was really happy about that. I made sure a lot more of my products were organic.

Since I wanted to improve from last week, I tired to buy a few more things to reach my goal. I bought a couple of things that I wouldn't normally buy. This caused me to spend a little more but it also made me try a few things that I wouldn't normally buy so it was OK in the end.

I felt better this week having reached my goal and spending a little extra money to try a few more products. Overall, I feel better not contributing to the mass productions of other products and knowing that I am putting good products into my body.

This week I learned that spending a little extra money (if you can) on organic and new products is kind of fun and a good way to explore what else you like and don't like. I also noticed that I am able to through the store faster as I am getting more used to the organic products and what to look for.

Since I wasn't able to make it to a new store this week, I might save the last week for the best and go to... drum roll please.... WHOLE FOODS CO-OP!!

Blogged for Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4 Hosted by Amy @ Amy in the Rain