Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Review and Final Reflection

Sorry, no picture of the receipt this week. I accidentally threw it away...oops!
(Photo is the link to the source of the picture)

My SMART Goal: I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks.

This week, I am very happy to report that I met my goal at spending 54% of my grocery bill on organic products! This is the highest amount yet so I was pretty excited. Like I reported last week, buying organic is my main goal when shopping now and it actually feels abnormal to buy the typical products I used to. It has become very natural and I don't even have to strive to do so anymore.Also, the store I went to had a GREAT variety (Whole Foods Co-op) so it was easy to find a lot of items that I liked.
Like the other weeks, organic foods can be really expensive. This has made me think really hard about what I am buying and what I absolutely need to be eating. Sometimes, I must admit, it's really hard to walk away from candy aisle with nothing in hand.

I feel really good about myself now that I only buy organic products (some, I should say). I feel that if I keep this up, I will be able to have the same affect on my family and also when I create my own family. I feel like I'm feeding my body the right kind of nutrition it needs.

I learned that the longer you uphold your goal, the easier it'll become. It isn't easy at first and you may not always reach the goal but when you stick with it, you'll eventually do a lot better.

I will continue to uphold this goal even after the class has finished. It will be a challenge since I will be moving back in with my parents and eating organically isn't exactly of their main concern. Also, availability may be an issue but I intend on doing the best of my ability to keep it going.

My SMART Goal was "I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks."
This goal did not change throughout the process as it wasn't always easy to reach as it was but was still attainable if I tried.

What helped me be successful was that I knew I was doing the right thing for myself and the environment and it was a good incentive as I like to take care of my body (most of the time...). Some of the things that got in the way was the availability of the products I like and the cost of them. Not all stores had a great variety and when they did, the cost added up quite quickly. To solve this problem, I stuck with certain items that I decided I MUST buy organically so that seemed to help with my goal.

I benefited a lot from this project. It was kind of fun trying to challenge myself in a new way that was better for me and the environment. I became very aware of my feelings while I was shopping (happy when there was a sale; frustrated when things cost a lot; etc.). I also learned that behavior change can take a lot of effort but it is best to stick with it for a while as no change is easy to do at first.

I think when I move home I will try to get my family to make the same goal in buying organic. I will try to show them why it is much more beneficial to them and the environment. This has helped the environment by supporting organic farmers and not support the corporate ones with GMO products and horrible animal conditions.
I plan to continue this behavior to the best of my ability. It is important to keep my body healthy when I'm younger for the future and it is also important for the environment's health.

My recommendations for those considering a lifestyle change is to stick with it and keep trying even if you don't always meet your goal. It may not be easy at first but sooner or later it will become natural and you'll feel better about yourself in the end.



  1. I think it's awesome that you are going to advocate for organic food to your family. I think you came up with a really good way to buy organic food with a small budget. Keep it up!

  2. I really like your goal. I think it would have been very difficult for me, but I am glad to see you were successful with it. I agree with you that as time goes, things get easier. Sometimes you begin to do things without even realizing it. I can't wait for the day that I only buy organic and foods that are highly nutritious; I haven't made that switch but it is a future hope. I am glad to see that this is so attainable for you. I also like the fact that you are trying to include your family in this. I think that is what our goals are all about: influencing others to make the same or similar changes we are to benefit the environment.

  3. I am glad that you benefited so much from this project, and like you found, I found that one of the biggest challenges to eating organically is the price. Someday I hope organic food is cheaper or hopefully someday I will be able to afford it because like you said, by buying organic we are doing the environment and our bodies a huge favor.

  4. That's so awesome that you are consuming so many organic foods! One tip I can think of is from when I was reading my read 'n' seed book. It mentioned at one point that when buying organic foods choose the foods you eat most often or enjoy the most. I found that to be a little surprising because when I 'splurge' and buy organic I often by foods I normally don't get and so it seems kind of like a special treat! The book gave that tip because they said since you consume it so often you should make sure to change that food is one of the healthiest purchases!

  5. This is a very unique goal. I tried buying organic, but it is so expensive I just can't do it. It sounds like you have a good grip on things. Keep it up!

  6. I really like your goal, it is great that you also incorporated trying new places out while you were achieving it. It is great that you plan to continue this change as well, it is very beneficial to both you and the local economy.
