Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

SMART Goal: I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks.

This week I met my goal by spending 51% of my bill on organic products. This was an improvement of about 10% from last week so I was really happy about that. I made sure a lot more of my products were organic.

Since I wanted to improve from last week, I tired to buy a few more things to reach my goal. I bought a couple of things that I wouldn't normally buy. This caused me to spend a little more but it also made me try a few things that I wouldn't normally buy so it was OK in the end.

I felt better this week having reached my goal and spending a little extra money to try a few more products. Overall, I feel better not contributing to the mass productions of other products and knowing that I am putting good products into my body.

This week I learned that spending a little extra money (if you can) on organic and new products is kind of fun and a good way to explore what else you like and don't like. I also noticed that I am able to through the store faster as I am getting more used to the organic products and what to look for.

Since I wasn't able to make it to a new store this week, I might save the last week for the best and go to... drum roll please.... WHOLE FOODS CO-OP!!

Blogged for Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4 Hosted by Amy @ Amy in the Rain


  1. I'm glad to hear it's getting easier to find organic products that you want. I really like your goal and I might just try it sometime!

  2. Good Job on achieving your goal for the week! I like how you make an attempt to explore a new store ever week!

  3. I love the CO-OP its so good. Great job on making your goal this week over the break. That must have took some work. And I agree sometimes spending a little more at the store is well worth it.
