Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

For this activity, we were asked to choose 3 places that we go on a regular basis in Duluth and map out the  route using the Internet.

For the first location, I chose work which is at Essentia Health. When I plugged this in, it gave me commute of 13 minutes if I walk to the bus stop  that is down the hill. This seems like it pretty reasonable. When I reversed the addresses as if I was coming back from work, however, I would have to wait 45 minutes for the bus until about 11:11pm and then ride the bus for about 20 minutes to get home and then still have to walk back up the hill which would probably take a good 10 minutes. So although it is convenient for me to ride the bus to work, it isn't convenient (or generally safe in that area) to ride the bus home at night.

The next location I chose was school. The fastest route for this was to get on the bus at the bus stop down the hill once again and ride the bus for approximately 20 minutes. I would have to leave about an hour before class to arrive to the school on time, however, but that wouldn't be that horrible. When I reversed the route again it posed a slight problem. It would about 23 minutes to get back to the bus stop and then I'd have to walk back up the hill to my house which would add another 10 minutes. If I didn't have to work after school, this would probably be ok, but I almost always have to work after class or intern before class so I would need to be somewhere right before or after and the bus would take too long.

For my final location, I chose to map out my internship that I go to on Thursday since that is the only place I have to be that day. My internship is at St. Luke's Cancer Center. The fastest route was to walk to the bus stop again and get on the bus around 7:13am and arrive at 7:35am.  This would be ok even though I'd have to get up an hour earlier to arrive on time. After my internship to come home, I would have to again get on the bus with the fastest route being 25 minutes. This would also be ok since I wouldn't have anywhere to be afterwards.

The only realistic route for me would be the one I could incorporate on Thursdays. I may actually give this a try since even one day can make a difference. Otherwise, I thought this was a really good activity. I always knew that taking the bus or walking would be pretty inconvenient due to my schedule but it was good to see that I was right and not just assuming so. It was kind of fun.

For this activity, we were expected to review a couple of websites and then use them to help complete a survey about smoking.

I looked up the information on the fact sheets about smoking and then took the survey. It was nice to have a little exam to go along with the fact sheets so I really had to look for the answers and read through all of the information. It was really interesting to see the information that is specific to Minnesota and to read that all of the advocacy for the change seems to be working.

Our task for this activity was to review 3 recalled items and also list 3 ways to prevent lead poisoning in the home. We also were expected to reflect on what we learned after completing the previous activities and watching a video.

The 3 Recalled Items:
  1. Boys and Girls Belts from Target: Recalled 6/17/2010; Available since December 2008
  2. Youth Hockey Gear: Recalled 4/1/2010; Available since February 2005 (!)
  3. Disney Tinkerbell Jewelry: Recalled 2/2/2010; Available since November 2008
3 Ways to Prevent Lead Poisoning in the Home:
  1. Clean up paint chips immediately.
  2. Wash hands often--especially before eating and sleeping.
  3. Clean or remove shoes before entering the home.
This was a very nice concise video about the topic...and it was really entertaining. I was really surprised by how many products are still made with lead these days! I couldn't believe it actually since the consequences are so widely known now. It makes me wish there were more strict standards. It seems as if they still get caught in the long run but I think there should be a way to prevent them from being sold in the first place.

After reviewing the information links she provided, we were then directed towards a matching/pairing game to complete.

After completing the game, I feel like I learned a lot about water infrastructure vocabulary. I never realized how many different terms and systems there are. There seems to be a lot that goes into water treatment. I agree that it is definitely important to keep the systems updated so that we continue to have safe water.

Sonny made up a neat game like Clue to review some of the typical toxins that pollute our air. We need to "interview" one suspect and then report. I was assigned Red Haze Harry...otherwise known as Nitrogen oxide
  1. Name of Suspect: Red Haze Harry/Nitrogen Oxide
  2. Cause of Pollutant: Most emissions are from the burning of goal, oil, and gas from factories and vehicles
  3. Crime: Nitrogen oxide can cause respiratory problems.
  4. Lock 'em Up: Drive less or carpool and keep vehicles tuned up! Factories should also obey by the standards.
  5. Case File: From this activity, I learned about all of the different pollutants in the air. I never realized there were so many!  It really makes me wonder what I am breathing in and what those pollutants will cause in the long run.
Other source used: Tennessee Valley Authority

For this activity, we were expected to review the fact sheets, watch a video, and calculator our emissions then report on our findings.
  1. Taking the emissions calculator, I found that I am better than average which was nice to see! I still produce tons though so I could definitely work on somethings. I might try to set up a carpool for traveling to school next semester when I move home. We'll see how that goes.
  2. I also learned about the different types of fuels a vehicle can run on. When I buy a car once I get a job, I'd really like to get one that is more environmentally friendly such as a hybrid or a flex fuel vehicle.
  3. I couldn't believe that OVER HALF of the toxic pollutants in Minnesota are from motor vehicle emissions! That is horrible! It can even cause a person that is EXERCISING and trying to be healthy have breathing problems.


  1. Great job at completing all of the activities. I am glad to see that you may try and incorporate taking the bus one day a week. You are right, even one day does make the difference!

  2. Wow, it sounds like you have really learned a lot from the lessons! I thought it was really neat to see all of the different approaches and activities that can be done in order to teach a subject.

  3. It's really amazing how much we learn from just doing everyone else's activities. I was surprised too at many products still contain lead, you would think that wouldn't be happening anymore.

  4. Good job!! Looks like you completed the tasks well and learned a lot. I know I did. Good job on my task as well!!

  5. Nice work! It's great to see how well the bus schedule fits into your life. I can still have faith that is tries to be a convenient method of transportation. I was also shocked that over half the toxics pollutants in MN are from car emissions. I sometimes wonder how we can know so much about whats killing us (or the world) yet do so little....

  6. We really learned a lot from all of these activities. It is too bad that taking the bus back from school would result in you walking about 10 minuets uphill anyway.
