Monday, October 11, 2010

Eye Opener: CSPI

For the eye-opener this week, I took the Score Your Diet quiz. Overall, I got an OK score that was just in the "Good" range but in some areas, I could use some improvement. My scores for the categories were the following:

  • Health Score:   39
  • Environmental Score:   -15
  • Animal Welfare Score:   -7
  • Grand Total Score:   17
I seemed to have scored the highest in vegetables and fruits. This didn't surprise me that much since I don't eat a lot of meat, fish, or dairy. Although I didn't eat as much as the recommended value, I still got a high score in those categories.

My lowest score food was cheese. This didn't surprise me either since cheese is pretty much it's own food group at my parents out. We actually have a drawer in our fridge with only cheese in it.  However, with a lot of cheese factories in my area (about 4 I believe), a lot of it is produced locally. I also do not eat nearly as much cheese when I am living in Duluth as compared to living with my parents.

The category that I need the most improvement in is environment category. This is likely from my consumption of cheese and beef, which was my second lowest score. Even though most of the beef I consume is from my local area, I realize that it still takes a toll on the environment. Decreasing my intake of both of these would greatly help the environment overall as well as my overall health considering these are both heavily saturated in fat much of the time (though I try to buy low-fat).

I really liked this eye-opener as it made me think about what goes into producing the food. When I think about what I eat, it is usually in terms of fat, calories, and how it affects my body directly. The animal welfare and environmental factors also affect my body in the long run and that is also something I need to remember when choosing what to eat.


  1. I also liked this eye opener. I have never really thought about what goes into producing the food that we eat until today.

  2. I think you make a good point when you say most of your food decisions are based on thinking about how it affects your body directly. I realize I do the same thing. This quiz really drew my attention to the animal welfare and environmental factors I need to consider as well.

  3. Yet again more cheese! These quizes have opened my eyes to the different dimensions of food production and everything that goes along with it.

  4. I usually don't think about environmental factors when buying food either. I agree that this also affects my body and I need to remember that when I buy food.

  5. I also scored the highest in fruits and veggies. I am a cheese person myself and did not realize the impact. I like that you pointed out that we personally can benefit from small changes in our diet. So true!

  6. Sam, we had the same thing at my parents house, mid-westerners love their cheese! I think it is important to realize how much dairy and meat (and cheese!) we eat and how it affects the environment and animals.
