Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Read 'n' Seed: Part 1 of 4 of Hormone Deception

For the first part of Hormone Deception, I read the first 75 pages which amounted to be 4 chapters that would conclude part 1 of the book.

Part one of the book was an introduction of the topic of how "hormone disrupters" can affect our natural hormones in our body. The author, Lindsay Berkson, writes this book as a daughter of a mother who was injected with DES while pregnant to prevent from having a miscarriage. Years later, this man-made hormone meant to act as an estrogen boost was found to be of no benefit and to cause many ill results later. From this, Berkson has faced several female problems throughout her entire life which has caused her to research the affects of man-made hormones and chemicals that we face on a a daily basis. She points out the fact that companies only test chemicals for their immediate effects on animals and do not follow-up with the results that appear later in life. Also, even though the harmful results appear on animals, companies do not regard them being equivalent enough to humans so it is dismissed. We face several toxins in the air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat on a daily basis which may be the reason for more cancers, developmental problems, and fertility issues.

Most of the terminology presented in this book, such as the endocrine system, estrogen, progesterone, etc. were already things I have heard of from taking several classes in anatomy and biology. I wasn't, however, aware of the chemicals and toxins that we are faced with everyday such as phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, phthalates, alkyphenolic compounds, and persistent organic pollutants. I had also never previous heard about DES and its affects which surprised me.

I think that learning about how the chemicals are disrupting our natural hormones and the endocrine system is very beneficial. Our country and others make so many products (mostly out of vinyl and plastic) for the simple convenience of living. We seldom look at the long term affects of all of these chemicals in our bodies. It is clear that there is some sort of problem in the environment we live in with more and more people having body illnesses each year. Publicly showing the results of these chemicals could help save future generations lives. It is time to know what we are putting into our bodies and to change it for us, our future children, and for the planet.


  1. It is really scary to think that the initial testing is the only testing that is considred before just throwing an ingredient into a product. It makes me feel very uneasy about the items I use on a daily basis.

  2. I think it's so crucial that companies follow up on lab testing instead of just looking at immediate results! I believe that so many things have lasting effects that we have no idea about. Sounds like a very interesting book!

  3. They only test on animals and then don't follow up? Companies should follow up before they put something out to the mass market! Sounds interesting!

  4. This is somewhat scary. I mean, who really knows what chemicals they ingest on a daily basis? I sure don't. It sounds like a great book. I agree with everyone about the testing. It seems a bit fishy to me.

  5. Just imagine what the world would be like if companies stopped taking short cuts and actually made an effort to research the effects of some of these chemicals! The amount of chemicals I ingest on a daily basis is probably a daunting amount but I don't feel like there's very much I can do about that. I agree that this is a bit scary to think about
