Thursday, October 14, 2010

Share and Voice: Plant a Tree with Avon

I was browsing the Avon website since someone sells it where I intern and came across this fundraiser. It is called hello green tomorrow and for just $1, Avon will plant 1 tree of the 1 million they plan to plant in the Atlantic Rainforest of South America. According to the site, 93% of the rainforest is now gone which is a major contributor to the global warming we are facing. I decided to skip my lunch and buy 3 trees instead to help restore the rainforest. It is such an easy way to contribute and make a difference!


  1. This is great, when I purchased my text books through CHEGG prior to this semester they also will plant a tree for you in a variety of locations throughout the world.

  2. 93% of the rainforest is now gone?! Wow! What a good fundraiser!

  3. I have always like Avon's products, but had no idea that they were doing this fundraiser. Now I will be sure to make a donation next time I purchase their products. Thanks for the info!

  4. This is such a great cause! Thanks for sharing it!

  5. That is great that you contributed to the cause. I'm glad we have companies that give back. I had no clue it was 93%! So crazy.
