Friday, October 8, 2010

Reflection: Weeks 1-4

The first 4 weeks of this class has taught me a lot about how the human race impacts the planet. Everything on this planet, living or nonliving, has some sort of place. I have realized that I need to make a much better effort in going green because my actions do make a difference. Hopefully, others around me will follow in my efforts to save the planet and our resources. The following are some activities that I have learned about in this class.

Bagley Outdoor Classroom
While getting a tour of the the greenest building on campus, it gave me a lot of inspiration as to how I will think about building my own house in the future keeping the green concept in mind. Also while here, I learned through the star wars activity that it is important to keep all parts and individuals of a community in mind and that it we shouldn't take advantage of the seemingly innumerable resources until it is too late and they scarce.

Ecological Footprint Quiz
After taking this quiz, I realized how wasteful I am with my resources. It also brought up issues that I never would have considered such as traveling or how much meat I eat produced by mass production. It really made me feel fortunate and sad that I am able to live like that and others cannot and I do it so carelessly.

Rewriting the Science
Watching this video made me realize even more than I already knew that much of the government is run by the influence of money. It is sad that they are withholding information that could potentially help us reverse or stop the damages we are causing. It has taught me to not believe everything I read or hear even if it is  from a seemingly reliable source.

Collectively, I have learned that it isn't too late to start making a change in my behavior and every little bit helps. I will now start trying harder to implement the three magic R's... reduce, reuse, recycle!


  1. You're absolutely right, it's never too late for change in your life! I'm glad this class has made you want to reduce, reuse and recycle more!

  2. I too, will be making some changes in my life. I love how eye-opening this class is!

  3. It's great to read about how eye-opening this class has been for everyone. It sounds like you're really taking a lot of these environmental issues more seriously thanks to what you've learned so far. I'm glad to hear it!

  4. I am glad that you realize it is not too late to change. As we change, we can also educate those around us, even those who are set in their ways.

  5. It is never to late for a change in your life as long as you truely believe in it. Recycling, althought it is an integral part of environmental health, is just a stepping stone to what we can achieve together as a society.
