Sunday, November 14, 2010

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

For my advocacy project, I have decided to focus on Occupational Health and Safety from Health People 2010.

Objective: Reduce the proportion of adults who have elevated blood lead concentrations.
Target Goal: Zero per 100,000 employed adults.
Baseline Goal: 12.1 per 100,000 employed adults aged 16 years and older had blood lead concentrations of 25 µg/dL or greater in 1998 (24 States).

The Progress Quotient Chart shows that so far, 24% of the target goal has been reached with it continuing to move forward.

The progress updated showed that 24% of the target goal was met. This was through the monitoring and teaching of proper procedures by several occupational health organizations. I think this is a pretty solid step towards the goal as it is not going to happen right away and working with lead can be very risky.

*No disparities were listed for lead blood levels on the website

Some of the challenges in meeting this target are as follows:
  • Insufficient knowledge of science
  • Determining the true cause of some of the medical conditions
  • Uneducated public of prevention standards
  • Acceptance the presence of a preventable risk
Though these challenges can be frustrating, organizations such as NIOSH/HHS is currently working to meet them through several different efforts such as research, training, and other programs.

With the changing status of the economy brings new emerging issues into the workplace. This means that there is a generally older population remaining in the workplace as well as longer work shifts due to company downsizing. It has shown that extended work shifts can reduce mental awareness which can create a risk in the work environment. This also means that longer a single person is around lead, for instance, the more likely that person is to have higher blood levels of lead.

H.RES.375 Supporting the goals and ideals of Workers' Memorial Day in order to honor and remember the workers who have been killed or injured in the workplace.
Title: Supporting the goals and ideals of Workers' Memorial Day in order to honor and remember the workers who have been killed or injured in the workplace.
Sponsor: Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] (introduced 4/28/2009)
Rep Arcuri, Michael A. [NY-24] - 4/22/2010Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 4/13/2010
Rep Bishop, Timothy H. [NY-1] - 5/6/2009Rep Braley, Bruce L. [IA-1] - 4/28/2009
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] - 4/13/2010Rep Carson, Andre [IN-7] - 4/28/2009
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 4/13/2010Rep Courtney, Joe [CT-2] - 4/28/2009
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 4/13/2010Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] - 4/13/2010
Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3] - 4/13/2010Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 4/13/2010
Rep Fudge, Marcia L. [OH-11] - 4/13/2010Rep Grayson, Alan [FL-8] - 1/26/2010
Rep Green, Al [TX-9] - 4/28/2009Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 4/28/2009
Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. [IL-4] - 4/28/2009Rep Hare, Phil [IL-17] - 4/28/2009
Rep Hirono, Mazie K. [HI-2] - 4/22/2010Rep Lewis, John [GA-5] - 4/28/2009
Rep Loebsack, David [IA-2] - 4/28/2009Rep Lynch, Stephen F. [MA-9] - 4/28/2009
Rep Massa, Eric J. J. [NY-29] - 1/26/2010Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 4/28/2009
Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 4/28/2009Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] - 4/13/2010
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3] - 4/26/2010Rep Ryan, Tim [OH-17] - 4/13/2010
Rep Sanchez, Linda T. [CA-39] - 4/28/2009Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] - 5/6/2009
Rep Shea-Porter, Carol [NH-1] - 4/22/2010Rep Speier, Jackie [CA-12] - 4/13/2010
Rep Sutton, Betty [OH-13] - 4/28/2009Rep Titus, Dina [NV-3] - 4/22/2010
Rep Walz, Timothy J. [MN-1] - 4/13/2010Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 4/13/2010

Latest Major Action: 4/29/2010 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

Recommendation: Vote YES for H.RES.375 Supporting the goals and ideals of Workers' Memorial Day in order to honor and remember the workers who have been killed or injured in the workplace.

My Political Representative:
Representative Mary Hubler
(608) 266-2519


  1. We have a similar topic! It's interesting that the progress chart was higher for children with blood lead poisoning. I think this bill would help keep people aware of the risks lead has on adults. I think people can forget that lead poisoning is just as dangerous to adults as kids.

  2. Like I posted on Alyssa's blog, I never knew this was such an emerging issue in our country. I cant wait to learn more about this as our advocacy projects go on.
