Sunday, November 28, 2010

Share and Voice: Great Lakes Science Center Wind Turbine

I was in Ohio this week for Thanksgiving break and spent one of the days in Cleveland. This is the wind turbine that is set in front of the Great Lakes Science Center. It is also by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and the Brown's Stadium. According to the website, the wind turbine provides about 7% of the science centers annual energy usage. Although it doesn't provide a substantial amount of energy for the facility, it does help. It is also useful in promoting renewable energy in the city and even acts as a sun dial. As well as using the wind turbine, the facility also has several solar panels. I thought this was really interesting and neat to see a facility so proactive on the topic. It definitely stands out and is easily noticed!


  1. This is so great to see that people are catching on to all of this. I also really like how you mention about the promotion of renewable energy. Alot of times people need to see it to believe it and dont always want to be the first one to do it. Hopefully more places start to do this.

  2. We see all of the negative things about our society portrayed in the media, but significantly environmentally friendly changes like this are rarely talked about.
