Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

SMART Goal: I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks.

The second with of the lifestyle change didn't turn out quite as successfully as the first week. I spent $7.53 on organic products out of the $18.93 total spent. This accounted for 41% of the spending.

This week, even though I didn't meet my goal of spending 50% of my total grocery bill on organic products, I still feel that I was somewhat successful. This is because a) I was relatively close to reaching my goal and b) the organic products I bought were produce items, which I feel, are the best items to buy organically. Like week one, I spent a lot of time looking at different items and ingredients and thinking about how I would spend my money without going over a budget.

Some of the same challenges I faced were the price of organic products. There were somethings I was not prepared to budge on in changing to buy organic products because of this. I focused on buying what I felt like were the most important items to buy organically like produce. These seem to be most reasonably priced compared to other products like cereal, milk, and soup.

For the first two weeks of this process, I have noticed some changes in my emotions when I'm eating. When I'm eating organic foods, I feel a sense of pride that I am fueling my body with the best foods possible. It has also inspired me to take action in other areas such as recycling and getting my family involved in environmental acts as well.

This week, I learned that just because you don't make your intended goal doesn't mean that you failed. I still feel accomplished and have confidence that I will be able to achieve my goal in the future.  I've also learned what foods are a priority to buy organically than others.

Next week, I will try to buy other unique and new organic items that I haven't tried before. I will also try another store to continue to compare prices of other facilities to find a place that has the best deal.



  1. Thats great that you are taking pride in what you do, I think its really helpful when trying to be successful. Its great that you are getting organic produce too it tastes so good!

  2. This is a hard goal to achieve, so I think you did really well this week! Good luck for next week!

  3. I will give you 41%, I like how you are going to try and buy other "unique" items. You will not only be achieving your goal, but also trying something new in the meantime.
