Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 5-8

This quarter of the class has opened my eyes to a lot of new issues. This was done through many of the activities we engaged in and the videos we have watched

Week 5
I participated in the Score Your Diet eye opener which showed me how much of an environmental impact my eating habits have. I learned that I eat more processed foods than I had thought. Since then, I have tried to buy as organic as possible within my budget.
We also watched the movie "Future of Food" which showed me how much of an impact our GMO products are having in our country as well as other countries. I thought it was really sad and scary that I have probably eaten mostly GMO products most of my life. It has turned natural farming to fit in with the rest of corporate America.

Week 6
This week, we had a lot of fun using a free web program, Picnik, to create a fun and interesting header for all of our blogs. This made our blogs look much more formal and professional.
The movie "Fresh" documented some very influential farmers and other activists that are taking steps forward in making a change back to natural and organic production; one was even from Milwaukee. I thought this was really important to see since many of us hear all of the problems going on and feel overwhelmed and helpless in regards to a solution. Seeing these people making that change gave me hope that I can make a difference by not buying GMO products.

Week 7
This week's eye opener had us look up our everyday beauty products to find out what kind of hazards they pose to our health on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Database website. I thought this was a great website. I was surprised to see how potentially harmful the make-up I was using on my face every day was. It really made me think how make-up may not be worth wearing just to feel pretty.
We also watched another documentary called "Green". This movie opened our eyes about the impact of all of the dangerous chemical factories are having on communities that are near by and the environment. It was pretty sad to see especially knowing that it is unlikely for us to have a dramatic change backed by the government since the politicians are so dependent on the funding by these companies. It made me want to drive less and use less oil and gasoline after we discussed how the price of gasoline is like putting a price on someone's life.
We also started talking about junking and what it actually is and means to the environment.
Week 8
This week we watched the movie "Tapped". It gave us the low-down on bottle water and how it is actually much less healthier than government regulated tap water from our faucets than we had thought. Every human is entitled water for free for survival yet industry is taking it without consent, bottling it with harmful plastics, and selling it to us for a sky high price. I intend to drink as much tap water instead of bottled water as possible from now on.
We also talked about junking after our eye opener assignment which utilized the JunkMarketStyle website. I'm excited to start my junking assignment. It really made me realize that so many things can be used as other things if you think creatively. This will reduce waste by reusing and recycling. Some of the projects look pretty neat and vintage too.

Overall, I have learned a lot in the last 4 weeks. My mind set has been completely changed and I am much more aware of what I am buying, what I throw away, what I recycle, how much plastic I use, etc. I already feel like a better person and I feel like I can make a difference by opening the eyes of others. I'm excited to see what the next 2 quarters of the class has in store.


  1. The movie "Green" also made me want to cut down on how much I drive. I think that movie is very eye-opening and one everyone should see.

  2. My mind has also been completely opened up, I though I was a well educated individual when it came to environmental health. I couldn't have been more wrong!

  3. Sam this class really does open your eyes to a lot of different things. Im excited to see what we learn the rest of the semester.

  4. I agree that it's really empowering knowing you can make a difference by spreading the word about these issues and educating others. We've learned a lot and now we have the ability to let others know about these issues and injustices too.

  5. I loved the movie Fresh. I think knowing where our food comes from is very important and it is changing the way I shop for food.
