Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Share and Voice: Reusable Cups

I found these reusable cups at Target yesterday and I thought they were really neat. I've seen ones that you can use for coffee but never ones that you can use for other drinks such as soda. I thought it would be a good idea for students to get since I always see people walking around with the disposable cups from the food court. This would be a great way to cut down on waste on campus! They aren't too expensive either!


  1. I've seen these cups before too. I think they are a great idea and they come with a straw too! Good find!

  2. These are really interesting, I wonder if restaurants and fast food places would let you use them at their establishments?

  3. Yes! I have seen these before and think that I really need to get one. Its a great way to cut back on using cups. It would be neat if restaurants and other places would offer you incentives for using them. After all it would be saving them a lot of dishes!
