Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

This is an update about how my first week working with my SMART goal went. To remind you, my SMART goal is:
I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks. 
For the first week, I almost exactly met my goal. Out of the $34.91 I spent, $17.54 was spent on organic foods. When calculated, it came out to be 50.24% of my spending.
Overall, I was pretty successful this week. I did this by making sure I had a lot of time to shop. By doing this, I was able to think about what I wanted to buy organically. I was also able to examine the food I was buying and look into the ingredients. I compared several foods in prices in regards to non-organic and organic. This helped me decide what was more important: my bank account or my health.
Sometimes it was really hard to want to buy organic as it is typically considerably more expensive. This wasn't an easy thing to do on a tight budget. To battle this, I cut things out from my list that I didn't necessarily need so that I would be able to spend a little more on food that was better for my body. I put the priority items that are the most nutritious at the top of my list so that when I get to the bottom and can see how full my cart already is and how much money I have already racked up, I am less likely to splurge on junk food.
I had different emotions between when I was shopping and when I got home. While I was shopping, I can honestly say that I felt a little frustrated with the prices of organic food. I don't understand we should have to pay more for something that is better for our bodies. To deal with this, I thought positively and thought about how much I am helping the earth all together as well as myself.
What I Learned
This week, I learned that this may be more of a challenge than I had previously thought. I don't have a lot of money to spend on groceries and I try to make a dollar stretch as much as possible. Eating organically isn't exactly the best way to do this. Even though this is true, I still plan to stick to the plan for at least another week because I know it is much healthier for me and everyone else in the long run.
Next Week
I think I am going to try a different grocery store in hopes that some of the prices will be a little lower. I also plan to look in the weekly adds to see if there are any deals.



  1. This is a challenging goal to keep! I like your idea to put the healthier foods at the top of your list so you can cut out the junk food if it's coming to cost too much. I hope you can find some lower prices!

  2. Great work throughout the first week! This is a great goal, and it seems like you really have it set in your mind as your main priority when grocery shopping.

  3. I feel that organic food is very expensive too. Its hard to afford when you are in college. Maybe you will have better luck at a different store.
