Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: My SMART Goal

Over the next 10 weeks, I will be working to achieve a goal that will benefit both myself and the environment.

My SMART goal is:

I will buy organic products to equal at least 50% of my total bill when grocery shopping 1 time per week (Sunday) for the next 10 weeks. 

This lifestyle will benefit the environment and myself by reducing the amount of harmful chemicals that are entering my body, decreasing the demand from companies that provide harmful products by not purchasing the products which will decrease the production in the long run, and possibly keeping the money I spend local.

Ever since I read the book Hormone Deception and watched the documentaries in class, I have become very aware of the harmful effects these chemicals can cause on the human body as they are not natural. Since I am 23-years-old and my friends are all recently pregnant, I've been thinking about ways that I can start to prepare my own body for when I'm ready to have a child someday (not in the near future). I think now is a good time to start slowly ridding my body of the toxins that are lurking around. As well as the effects that the foods are having on me directly, I am not happy with how the large corporations are treating the environment. They are not considerate and are killing it at a very fast rate. Therefore, they do not deserve people to purchase their product as it is unhealthy in so many ways.

I'm very interested to see how my body and energy will be after the next 10 weeks from eating more organic and natural foods. Hopefully, I'll see some good results!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. This is a great goal, it is a big step for a college student to make budget wise, but it is so worth it!!

  2. This would be a hard goal for me! I think it's a good goal to have; hopefully it doesn't get too expensive. It will be interesting to hear how it affects your body.

  3. Sam I should join you when you go gorocery shopping, because this is a really great idea. I bet your body will react to it really well, I cant wait to see how it goes
