Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Share and Voice: Murphy Oil USA Company

I was sent an update email from the director, Brian Finder, of the Risk Control graduate program at UW-Stout since I will likely be attending the program in the Spring. In the email, he sent an update about an oil company that is local to our area in Superior, WI that will be paying a penalty fine for violating the Clean Air Act. This was also a problem at their petroleum plant in Meraux, LA like we saw in one of our videos. According to the EPA website, the company will be paying the violation penalty as well as paying millions more to update their equipment to better suit the environment.

I was pleased to see this even though I know it will not end all of the problems that these plants cause. It is still good see that the EPA is taking some action. I encourage you all to check out the website and read up on it a little bit. It relates to a lot of issues we are talking about in class.


  1. Great post! It's awesome to see that UW-Stout is being proactive in getting the word about important issues such as this out and sharing this information with its students.

  2. I'm also glad to see that the EPA is taking some action! After some of those videos, I really didn't have a very good opinion about the EPA.

  3. I was considering this program as well, this is a great post! Finally some positive action after us all being scared from what we have seen in class!
